Tuesday, October 9, 2007

EOY 90%

And its nine down and one to go!

The final stretch baby!
Both papers were decent, not much comments.

Funny quote #3
It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

EOY 50%

WOOT! Chinese papers done! Okay guys JIA YOU! only 50% more!

Got this off some short person.



Funny quote #2
Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

EOY 30%

Gosh. Where to begin.

Well, Shrek 3 was disappointing. No where nearly as good as the previous two. Kind of like Spider-man. I slept for over 3 hours in the afternoon in my nice air-conditioned room. *smiles* After I woke up I drank two cans of Shark. It's like Red Bull, only with honey. It's nice only if you like drinking Red Bull. Most people don't like Red Bull, mostly because they never tried it. Kind of like Durians. Anyway I realised I used up all my allowance for this week already and seem to owe Ernest $5. Hmm, I think I should be able to delay that for about one more week before he screams at me. =P

Today was the Language Arts A and History paper. I found the LAA paper weird, it wasn't too easy neither was it hard. I didn't read the prose at all. Wonder what it was about? The history paper was so annoying. Some kind soul seemed to already have told us all the answers! Gah, if I knew it would be so excruciatingly easy, wouldn't have bothered to study so hard. Actually I didn't study that hard. Okay, so maybe I studied just the right amount.

Chinese paper 1 and 2 tomorrow. I always thought that I had no problem with Chinese but this time I'm scared. Mainly because of the letter writing and essay writing. I haven't really put in much effort in essay writing recently so I think I might have gone rusty. And I still don't know the format for letters. I think it's on LMS. I'll go check later.

Hopefully tomorrow won't be so bad. Good luck!

Only 70% more to go! Wait, thats a lot.

Damn. (6 days to halo 3)

Funny quote #1
I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me . . they're cramming for their final exam.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Final Stretch

Well, here we are. The final stretch of hours before the End Of Year exams. At this point, any home work you have not handed in seriously does not matter anymore. I can't believe we played Bridge for like hours today in class rather than do out revision. I guess it can be called the calm before the storm eh?

GAH. I lay (lyed? laid? lay-ded?) on my bed today at 4.30 and planned to have a short nap. Woke up at 8. RAWR. so much time wasted, bo hoo hoo. I did my history revision online with Hanjie, Jp and the ever so loud and obnoxious Clement. Okay, most of you might already know this but I'm gonna say it again anyway. JP knows alot of stuff. Mostly stuff that doesn't generally help you with your life but is usually excess bullshit knowledge but yea, he knows alot.

This picture is long overdue for posting, finally got off my ass to upload it.

Tomorrow, if you ever get stuck at any one question, just think of this picture and ask yourself, "What would CHASS do?" Inspiration will definitely strike. NICKY. So guys, all the best for the exams tomorrow and remember that Halo 3 is less than a week away. =D And for all those who might feel like slacking in this crucial period, here's something that might motivate you. I don't know why though.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

GAH art.

Okay its around 12.30am, I just finished my art final exam piece. I FUCKED it up. Seriously. We were allowed to go to the art room last Thursday to work on it but due to illness, I didn't get a chance to do it.

I have no paint, no crayons, color pencils or any other coloring materials of any sort. So i used PENS. Red pen, black pen and a highlighter. Innovative but hardly effective.

Glad I was able to jog again today. Went with Hao Qing and Joelyn to Jog 3.2km today, had to run less cause I ran 5km yesterday and my calf hurts. I am SO glad that there is no more P.E tomorrow. I hate swimming laps.

Gotta go sleep, toodles.

8 more days to Halo.